Saturday, 21 November 2009

a hundred reviews!


Despite the hideous weather outside at the moment, today has been wonderfully productive and I have finally reached 100 reviews!

As the uni work piles on, it's getting harder and harder to find the time to watch all these lovely films, so I am afear'd that the coming month will see fewer reviews than normal. On the other hand, this also gives me the opportunity to ask you guys what you think of the blog. I've recently added a bit to the right-hand column, including tag categories and an ever-expanding blogroll reflecting my interests at the moment. Let me know what you think, tell me if anything looks oddly formatted, suggest other elements etc. or even just ask me about films.

Additionally, I am considering starting a sibling blog, provisionally titled Celluloid Sushi, to review and play short films and music videos, so look out for it!

A great many thanks to my readers, you have really kept me going and I hope to keep in contact with you all!



1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. Excellent job. I try to read them all. Looking forward to 100 more!
