Monday 9 November 2009


I will start this review by saying that I love watching low-budget films, regardless of their quality. Colin, purportedly made for just £45, generated much buzz after it screened at Cannes Film Festival. Shown from the point of view of the titular hero, the film sees Colin being attacked by a friend in the first few minutes, and shortly afterwards we discover that he has become a zombie. Once outside, he picks up the behaviours of the undead, learning to live off human flesh to survive, but is soon found by sister Linda and her boyfriend, who take him back to his mother’s house. From hereon in, we vicariously pick up information about who Colin was, and how he came to be in his current state.

It is tempting to champion a film like this purely for the facts, but the truth is that Colin is rather disposable (I admit, slight sour grapes on my part). This is a film that hangs solely on its concept, one that wasn’t entirely novel to begin with – Andrew Parkman’s I, Zombie apparently beat Price to the punch ten years earlier – and would probably have been made sooner or later by some other horror fan. Camerawork is terrible, in ways not excused by the premise. On a lighter note, a decent job has been done with the sound editing, and the special effects are brilliantly gruesome, so zombie fans will be sufficiently satiated. And it’s impossible not to laugh at a banjo-wielding zombie busker.

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